Our Medical Negligence & Personal Injury Team are experienced in acting for those who have been affected by asbestos.
Asbestos-related diseases affect thousands of people and their loved ones every year. Diagnoses often occur decades after the initial exposure but it may still be possible to make a claim.
About Asbestos
Before the realisation that asbestos is extremely harmful, it was used in many products, such as roofing, pipe lagging, floor tiles, ceiling tiles, and insulating boards, to name just a few.
You can no longer buy or use asbestos in Ireland, as it has been banned throughout the EU.
Injuries Caused by Asbestos
Exposure to Asbestos can lead to several very serious conditions, such as:
Lung cancer
Asbestosis, which causes permanent lung damage
Scarring of the lung lining (pleural thickening)