Every year, thousands of people are seriously injured in a range of settings across Ireland, requiring ongoing medical treatment, rehabilitation, and possibly considerable time off work.
In some situations, serious injuries can be life-changing, meaning that those affected are unable to return to the life they once knew. This may mean they are unable to resume their career, education, hobbies, or military service.
Health and Safety Obligations
All private and public entities have a legal duty to ensure the health and safety of employees and members of the public. This means they are legally bound to actively identify all risks to health and safety within their operations, and either eliminate any danger, or if this is not possible, mitigate it as much as possible. In practical terms this may mean placing clear signage to warn of danger, redesign work processes, replace outdated and dangerous equipment, provide protective equipment and clothing, implement training programmes alongside robust health and safety policies and procedures, employ dedicated health and safety personnel, contract specialist external safety experts to provide advice, enforce work-time regulations, and any other number of possible strategies.
Each industry has its own unique health and safety legal obligations with which it must comply (e.g. construction, manufacturing, or transport), and failure to do so may constitute negligence. And as a result, victims have a legal right to bring a claim for recourse against them to recover damages incurred. But to do so, it must be proven that the party was negligent by providing sufficient evidence; this is where we can help you.
Our Personal Injury Expertise
At Lavelle Partners, over the past three decades, we have helped individuals and their families who, following serious injury due to the negligent acts of another party, have needed to bring a claim under law. Some individuals wish to make a claim to bring the person, business, or organisation to account for their negligence, and to help others avoid the same fate. Others may also wish to seek damages for the pain, suffering and losses they have incurred.
Our Recent Serious Injury Cases