Cauda Equina Syndrome ("CES") can cause serious health complications, including severe lower back pain, incontinence, sciatica, numbness and sexual dysfunction. Errors made during surgery, delayed diagnosis, or misdiagnosis can all cause or exacerbate the symptoms associated with CES.
What is Cauda Equina Syndrome?
Cauda Equina Syndrome refers to the group of nerves at the end of the spinal cord and includes both motor and sensory nerves for one’s legs and bladder. When an individual suffers a spinal injury through compression of the nerve roots in the spine of their lower back (known as the lumbar spine), CES may develop.
The salient effect of CES is that sensation and mobility are impaired, and this will detrimentally impact the nerves controlling the bladder and bowel. Hence, it is imperative that one receives efficient and effective treatment within 12 to 48 hours of symptoms developing to mitigate any adverse effects to the spinal nerves.
Our Cauda Equina Syndrome Expertise
At Lavelle Partners, we know the profound impact that living with CES has on the lives of individuals and their families. We have previously worked with many clients who have been diagnosed with CES, successfully bringing claims on their behalf where the condition was the result of another party’s negligence.
By engaging with one of our Medical Negligence solicitors, we will advise you on your options for bringing a claim against the negligent party, with a view to holding them accountable, seeking financial damages for your losses and ensuring that the you have the correct supports and facilities in place.
We have a wealth of combined experience and legal expertise and clearly understand the challenges that a CES diagnosis can present.