Case Overview:
The Plaintiff in this matter received a significant settlement following a surgical error.
The Plaintiff underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy which was complicated by bleeding and had to be converted to an open procedure. At this point, the surgeons discovered she also had a bile leak.
Subsequent to her discharge, our client experienced persistent upper abdominal and back pain with intermittent nausea. Owing to a deterioration in her condition, our client attended the Emergency Department where she was admitted to undergo computerized tomography ("CT") examination of her abdomen.
The CT examination revealed evidence of a collection of a mixture of bile and blood in the gallbladder fossa. Our client required treatment with intravenous antibiotics for a five-day period and thereafter with oral antibiotics before discharge from the Hospital.
The Plaintiff instructed Lavelle Partners to investigate the circumstances of her case.
In advance of the trial date, the case was successfully settled without an admission of liability on the part of the hospital.