Cross-Border Restructuring & Insolvency is a complex area and Lavelle Partners are experienced in providing comprehensive legal advice, helping businesses and creditors manage financial distress across multiple jurisdictions.
Our Cross-Border Restructuring Expertise
We have a wealth of experience in advising companies and creditors on cross-border restructuring matters including:
Multi-National Insolvency Proceedings: Our Restructuring & Insolvency Team assists in coordinating insolvency proceedings that span multiple countries, ensuring compliance with the relevant legal frameworks and facilitating communication between stakeholders.
Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Insolvency Judgments: We handle the recognition and enforcement of foreign insolvency judgments in Ireland, helping to streamline the process for international creditors and debtors.
Asset Recovery: Our Asset Recovery & Debt Team are experts and skilled in tracing and recovering assets located in various jurisdictions, leveraging international cooperation to maximize recovery for creditors.
Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions: Our Corporate & Commercial Team guide clients through the complexities of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, ensuring that all legal and regulatory requirements are met and that transactions are executed smoothly.