We act for those who have been sexually abused by issuing civil proceedings on their behalf.
Victims have the right to pursue child and sexual abuse claims, which can include for historic child and sexual abuse. This could be against an individual or against an institution that failed to prevent abuse.
We understand that cases involving sexual abuse are sensitive and the victims are often left traumatised and distressed. Our Medical Negligence & Personal Injury Team can help manage your case in a confidential and compassionate manner.
What is considered Child Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse?
Child abuse covers a range of issues, including physical, emotional and sexual abuse.
Child sexual abuse is where a person under the age of consent is used by another person for their sexual arousal and/or gratification. This can involve acts such as exposing children to sexual activity (including through pornography), as well as sexual touching, masturbation, oral and penetrative sex.
Where can Child Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse Occur?
Child abuse, including child sexual abuse, can occur in a wide range of settings, including in the home and in institutional settings.
Child Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings
Unfortunately, in Ireland, we have a history of institutional sexual abuse of children. Institutional abuse can take place in a wide range of public organisations including:
Children’s homes / foster care
Religious organisations and communities
Youth sport such as football, gymnastics or swimming
Activity groups such as drama, music, youth clubs or scouts
Hospitals and other clinical care settings
Community groups
School abuse claims, including historic claims, are sadly some of the most common types of sexual abuse claims, which is far too common.