Complications arising before, during, or following the delivery of a child may result in unforeseen and significant consequences for both the child and their parents.
What is Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy ("HIE")?
Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy ("HIE") is a critical medical condition that can lead to brain injury and may occur prior to, during, or shortly after birth.
HIE arises when the brain is deprived of adequate oxygen or blood supply. HIE can be caused by labour and delivery issues, maternal health factors and neonatal factors.
How is HIE Diagnosed?
HIE is diagnosed in a number of ways, including:
Blood tests
Lumbar puncture
Tests of the umbilical cord or placenta
Ultrasound of the head, electroencephalography ("EEG") or brain MRI
However, in many cases a healthcare provider may suspect HIE shortly after birth based on symptoms or issues during labour and delivery. In some cases, a child with HIE may not be diagnosed until later in life.
HIE Symptoms
HIE symptoms include, but are not limited to:
Pale, blue or grey skin colour following birth
Difficulty breathing or feeding
An irregular or slow heart rate
Poor reflexes
Weak muscle tone or tense muscles
HIE Prognosis
While some new-borns will fully recover from HIE others may have neurological or development issues as a result. Long-term effects of HIE can include Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, difficulties communicating and sensory issues. The severity, and ultimate prognosis, will depend on the duration of oxygen deprivation during labour or pregnancy and the treatment provided after birth.
HIE Treatment
Therapeutic hypothermia is considered the standard treatment for full-term infants with moderate to severe HIE. Hypothermia therapy involves cooling the baby quickly after birth and can reduce the risk of permanent brain damage from HIE. Prompt HIE treatment can prevent brain damage and lead to the best outcome for new-borns.
If complications do arise, as a child grows, they may need additional supports including physical, occupational or speech therapy.
HIE Medical Negligence
There can be a range of causes of HIE, with Medical Negligence being one of them. At Lavelle Partners, we understand that HIE can have significant consequences for both the child and their parents. Families may struggle to cover the costs of everyday living and those associated with additional medical care.
If the injury was directly due to the negligence of a medical professional, we can assist you in determining if you can bring a claim against the negligent party for any damages incurred.