Our Corporate & Commercial Team regularly advise companies in relation to corporate investment funding under debt or equity transactions.
Companies may decide to raise funds internally by going through an internal funding round whereby existing stakeholders invest funds into the company in exchange for the issue of a debt security such as a loan note or the issue of new shares.
Alternatively, companies may raise funds from external investment sources. Such investors may take preferred shares in the capital of the company which have preferred or additional rights to ordinary shares or they may take a form of debt security.
Our Debt & Equity Investment Expertise
We act for companies at every stage of their funding journey from initial angel investment at start-up phase through consolidation of funding from venture capital or other sources through to founder exit. Our Debt & Equity Investment expertise includes:
Advice & Negotiation of Term Sheet
Advice in relation to funding from Enterprise Ireland
Due Diligence & Disclosure Letters
Founder Service Agreements
Implementation of appropriate Investment Agreement
Reorganisation of Share Capital
Shareholders Agreements