Case Overview:
In this case, the mother’s pregnancy was complicated by rhesus iso-immunisation due to anti-Kell antibodies which resulted in foetal anaemia. She required intrauterine blood transfusions which were carried out at the defendant hospital.
The fourth blood transfusion was complicated by bleeding of the umbilical cord. The mother was transferred to a ward and CGT monitoring was directed. Foetal heart rate monitoring was commenced upon the Plaintiff’s admission to the Ward. Decelerations of the foetal heart rate were noted on four occasions and a decision was made to undertake an emergency operative delivery of the deceased.
The deceased was delivered in poor condition requiring full cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Life sustaining treatment was withdrawn on day 3 of the deceased’s life owing to worsening renal failure and brain haemorrhage.
The deceased died due to the failure to undertake emergency operative delivery earlier.
The matter was settled in advance of the trial.