Case Overview:
The Plaintiff in this matter was a woman who underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy and left salpingo-oophorectomy in a regional hospital.
During the course of the surgery, our client suffered an injury to her bladder and while repairing the damage to the bladder, the surgeon injured her left femoral nerve.
Resulting from the injuries sustained during her surgery, our client suffered a loss of sensation in her left leg. Her ability to stand, walk, and maintain balance were all badly affected. She remains at considerable risk of falls and is no longer able to work due to her disability arising from the injury to her leg, the significant amount of pain medication she requires during the day, and the exacerbation of her depression and mental health difficulties.
The Plaintiff instructed Lavelle Partners to investigate her circumstances and we obtained expert evidence from a UK-based consultant gynaecologist. The expert confirmed that the injury our client suffered was the result of a significant breach of her surgeon’s duty of care and that the injury was avoidable if the surgeon had acted with ordinary care during her operation.
Proceedings were issued on behalf of the Plaintiff and the case was successfully settled for a significant sum plus costs in advance of the trial date.